SQUID 1.2.beta23 available

From: Duane Wessels <wessels@dont-contact.us>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 22:21:27 -0600


Changes to squid-1.2.beta23 (June 22, 1998):

        - Added Turkish error pages by Tural KAPTAN.
        - Added basic support for Range requests. For most cachable
          requests, Squid replies with an "Accept-Ranges" header. Upon
          receiving a potentially cachable Range request for a not
          cached object, Squid requests the whole object from origin
          server and then replies with specified range(s) to the
          client. Multi-range requests are supported. Adjacent
          overlapping ranges are merged. If-Range requests are
          supported. Limitations: Multi-range requests with out of
          order ranges are not supported.
        - Made md5.c use standard memcpy and memset if they are
        - Memory pools will now shrink if Squid is run-time
          reconfigured with smaller value of memory_pools_limit tag.
        - Added counter for number of clients (Tomi Hakala).
        - Changed neighbor UP/DOWN algorithm to require 10 failed TCP
          connections for UP->DOWN transition.
        - Added 'unique_hostname' configuration option when its
          necessary to have multiple machines with the same visible
        - Fixed pumpReadFromClient() to not read too many bytes on
          persistent connections.
        - We can now cache HTTP replies with Set-Cookie. These evil
          headers are now filtered out for cache hits on the client
        - Fixed SNMP bugs caused by using snmpwalk.
        - Fixed snmp system Group; all objects are now returned.
        - Fixed snmp system Group sysDescr and sysContact.
        - Fixed snmp system Group sysObjectID it now returns a OBJECT
        - Allocate FwdState from mem pools.
        - Minor HTCP progress.
        - Moved 'miss_access' ACL check from client_side.c to forward.c
        - Fixed logging of usernames for requests which require
        - Fixed HTTP request parser to accept lowercase HTTP identifier
          (Oskar Pearson).
        - Fixed FTP listings to always include links to the parent
          directory (Henrik Nordstrom).
        - Fixed FTP to show an "empty" listing instead of showing
          a "document contains no data" error (Henrik Nordstrom).
        - Fixed refreshCheck() bug. Often it was checking the
          refresh patterns against the string "[null_mem_obj]"
          because we moved URLs to MemObject.
        - Added CARP support by Eric Stern.
        - Fixed select-spin bug when an ICP reply actually gets queued
          and we failed to execute the write callback.
        - Fixed a storeCheckSwapOut bug. We were freeing up to
          the queued offset instead of the done offset. This
          resulted in a small chunk of object data not being in
          memory and not yet written to disk. A client could
          recieve a partial object because file_read() unexpectedly
          returns EOF.
        - Fixed proxy-authentication hangs (Henrik Nordstrom).
        - Fixed request_t->flags bug causing authenticated, proxied
          responses to be cached (Arjan de Vet).
        - Fixed MIME types for .tgz extension (Henrik Nordstrom).
        - Added view and download options to FTP listings (Henrik
        - Modified configure to allow using pre-installed libdlmalloc.a
          (Masashi Fujita).
        - Fixed cachemgr 'objects' implementation.
        - Changed refreshCheck() algorithm. For cached objects, we
          now check, in the following order:
                * request max-age
                * response Expires (if present)
                * refresh_pattern max-age
                * response Last-Modified compared to refresh_pattern
                  LM-factor (only if Last-Modified is present)
                * refresh_pattern min-age
        - Changed Copyrights.

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