Re: confoig.h squid.h design

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:53:11 -0600

On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 16:31 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> First step is to generate a new folder, for this proposal I'll call it
> 'squidbits'.

How about squidsquidsquidbits, to make sure we all realize this is a
squid header file?

Seriously, I would prefer just "bits". If we must put squid inside
squid, then please use squid_bits to make the name readable.

> It would eventually reside in Alex's ./compat directory as
> ./compat/squidbits. and is modelled on the kernel bits folder insofar as
> nothing around squid is supposed to reference it directly and it contains
> all the 'expert only' compat and type setup code needed.
> That sub-directory would contain a file for each OS requiring OS-specific
> tuning.
> * squidbits/mswin.h
> * squidbits/bsd.h (shared *BSD tuning)
> * squidbits/linux.h (shared 'nix tuning)
> * squidbits/freebsd.h (FreeBSD-only tuning)
> And some bits-files for specific tuning.
> * squidbits/fdsetsize.h (for the global FD_SETSIZE logics currently in
> config.h)
> * squidbits/resinit.h (for the global res_init logics currently in config.h)
> * others maybe for logics currently in squid.h

I am not sure we really need the compat/bits, but I am not against it.
What will happen is that you will have to place two-line wrappers in
compat/ so that the rest of the code can get access to some of the stuff
in compat/bits/. That's not a big deal.

> Secondly migrating the existing config.h to do a guaranteed short sequence
> of actions:
> * include autoconf.h (autotools generated settings)
> * include version.h (release maintainer generated settings)
> * define OS-specific macros (ie #define _SQUID_FREEBSD_)
> * include squidbits/types.h (currently squid_types.h)
> * include squidbits/* for each OS.
> It already has the first 4 sections, but the last section about squidbits
> will be added in place of the existing direct-code which has so muddled
> squid.h and is already starting to grow in config.h
> This means config.h guaranteed:
> * is the ONLY place to include anything from squidbits/*
> * can be placed cleanly at the top of every .cc
> * stays clean of any lengthy compat code in itself
> Finally, is to seamlessly rename (squid.h -> old_dirty_squid.h) and
> (config.h -> squid.h)
> then continue the cleanups removing stuff from old_dirty_squid.h

Sounds good to me.

Thank you,

Received on Thu Apr 24 2008 - 14:54:09 MDT

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