DNS Server problems

From: John Saunders <john@dont-contact.us>
Date: 15 Feb 1997 22:29:06 GMT

This moring at 4:50 I sent a SIGTERM to Squid to shut it down so that
RunCache could start a fresh copy. It appears that the initial Squid
never finished before RunCache tried to start a new one (maybe). Also
the messages about reading the store log lines sometimes appear and
sometimes don't, there isn't any rule to when they will appear. My
cache.log is now full of the following messages:

97/02/16 04:50:03| Preparing for shutdown after 13511 connections
97/02/16 04:50:03| Waiting 30 seconds for active connections to finish
97/02/16 04:50:04| FD 18 Closing HTTP connection
97/02/16 04:50:04| FD 19 Closing ICP connection
97/02/16 04:51:53| Starting Squid Cache version 1.1.6 for i586-pc-linux-gnu...
97/02/16 04:51:53| With 1024 file descriptors available
97/02/16 04:51:53| Performing DNS Tests...
97/02/16 04:51:53| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #1.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #2.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #3.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #4.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #5.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #6.
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServer: $hello read test failed
97/02/16 04:51:53| --> got ''
97/02/16 04:51:53| dnsOpenServers: WARNING: Failed to start 'dnsserver' #7.
FATAL: Failed to start any dnsservers
Squid Cache (Version 1.1.6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: user 0 sys 0
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 199

-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
        . | John Saunders - mailto:john@nlc.net.au (EMail) |
    ,--_|\ | - http://www.nlc.net.au/ (WWW) |
   / Oz \ | - 018-223-814 or 02-9477-2881 (Phone) |
   \_,--\_/ | NHJ NORTHLINK COMMUNICATIONS - Supplying a professional, |
         v | and above all friendly, internet connection service. |
Received on Sat Feb 15 1997 - 14:47:07 MST

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