On Friday 5 September 97, at 14 h 50, the keyboard of Bill Wichers
<billw@unix0.waveform.net> wrote:
> What did you do to allow you to graph "Response time"? This is something
> that could be very useful and I never thought to try to get MRTG to graph
This is documented on the Web page <http://cache.cnrs.fr/MRTG/delay.html>
itself and on <http://cache.cnrs.fr/MRTG/config.html>.
> on all of the routers, it isn't right. I trust the graphs for the router's
> WAN interfaces. I also see the in and out being almost identical for the
> Ethernet interfaces even though according to ifconfig it shouldn't be.
> Someone else told me that it has to do with how Ethernet handles packets
> on the MAC layer. If anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them. I
Well, "someone" doesn't seem to be very fluent at explaining things :-)
It can be many things, including a bug in the SNMP daemon (there is one
such bug in CMU-snmpd for Linux). But I still do not see how it could be
connected with "how Ethernet handles packets on the MAC layer".
Received on Mon Sep 08 1997 - 04:14:27 MDT
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