Re: [squid-users] Very strange squid problem

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 16:18:14 +1200

jotacekm wrote:
> hello
> squid version is:
> squid 2.6.5-6etch1
> I dont have any of the features you related. Disk cache is:
> cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid 5000 16 256
> i have debug_options ALL,9 and no errors reported on cache.log...

As you see its a huge log. Now that you have a trace cut that back to
ALL,1 at most for regular use.

In the huge detailed trace, do you see anything specially intense at the
period of slowness?


> We have just moved the server to new hardware, and the problem still goes
> on.
> Amos Jeffries-2 wrote:
>> jotacekm wrote:
>>> We have a proxy server running squid with a good number of clients
>>> connected.
>>> Sometimes clients just cant browse pages anymore (not all clients, but
>>> most). They can ping the proxy, ping to outside servers, resolve dns, and
>>> so
>>> does the proxy server.
>>> I checked CPU (5-10% usage), memory (not swapping), Disk, load,
>>> connections,
>>> firewall, everything is fine. No errors on systems logs and cache.log.
>>> Squid
>>> is up and running. Squid FD limit is 4096 but wasnt even near this limit
>>> (netstat -na | grep 3128 | wc -l returned around 400 and lsof -nPi | grep
>>> squid | wc -l returned around 30)
>>> So, on the proxy server, I try "telnet 3128".Sometimes it times
>>> out, sometimes it connects quickly, sometimes it takes like 5 seconds to
>>> connect. I tried a lot of times and this is what keeps happening, most of
>>> the time it does not connect. If i run squid -k reconfigure, telnet goes
>>> back to normal and people browsing goes back to normal.
>>> Has anyone here ever had a problem like this? Any ideas on what might be
>>> the
>>> cause?
>> Using any of these?
>> Squid 2.6 or older
>> diskd
>> ident
>> dnsserver helper
>> large disk cache
>> remote network SAN disk
>> Logs would be the place to look. Specifically the cache.log, if there is
>> no indication at the usual log level you run bump debug_options ALL,2
>> or ALL,3 and see if anything shows up more than normal when the problem
>> is happening.
>> Amos
>> --
>> Please be using
>> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE16
>> Current Beta Squid

Please be using
   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE16
   Current Beta Squid
Received on Sat Jul 11 2009 - 04:18:31 MDT

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