Re: script for checking average obj size?

From: Andres Kroonmaa <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:33:26 +0300 (EETDST)

> > Date: 16 Jan 1997 23:10:00 +0200
> > From: (Andreas Reeh)
> > does anybody have a script which checks the cache_dir and reports the true
> > average object size ?
> If you don't care about the headers counted in, i.e. you're only
> interrested in the average file size in your cache-dir may be this
> quick written perl script helps.
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> (($dir)=@ARGV)==1 || die "Usage: avgsize dir\n";
> open(FIND, "find $dir -type f -print |") || die "open() : $!, stopped";
> while(<FIND>)
> {
> chop;
> $sum += -s;
> $count++;
> }
> close(FIND);
> print "$count files with a total of $sum bytes\n";

    How about looking via cachemgr for current swapsize, then dividing that
 by count of StoreEntries? You'll get quite a real average object size...

    Or, if you like to be more sophisticated, isn't it more easy to parse
 squid's swap logfile instead of going through the whole directory structure?


 Andres Kroonmaa Telefon: 6308 909
 Network administrator
 E-mail: Phone: (+372) 6308 909
 Organization: MicroLink Online
 EE0001, Estonia, Tallinn, Sakala 19 Fax: (+372) 6308 901
Received on Fri Jan 17 1997 - 03:51:58 MST

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