I use squid 1.1.6, followed the instructions and get a cachemanager: forbidden: You don't have
permission to access /cgi-bin/cahemgr.cgi on this server.
squid.conf looks like:
http_port 3128
icp_port 3130
cache_host www.twnic.net sibling 3128 3130
cache_host galaxy.transend.com.tw sibling 8080 3130
cache_host lumina.ccl.itri.org.tw sibling 3128 3130
cache_host proxy.nsysu.edu.tw sibling 3128 3130
cache_host proxy.seed.net.tw sibling 8080 3130
local_domain trace.com.tw
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
cache_stoplist cgi-bin ? .phtml .trace.com.tw
cache_mem 8
cache_swap 100
cache_swap_low 75
cache_swap_high 90
cache_mem_low 75
cache_mem_high 90
maximum_object_size 4096
ipcache_size 1024
ipcache_low 90
ipcache_high 95
cache_dir /usr/local/squid/cache
cache_access_log /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log /usr/local/squid/logs/store.log
pid_filename /usr/local/squid/logs/squid.pid
debug_options ALL,1
ftpget_program /usr/local/squid/bin/ftpget
cache_dns_program /usr/local/squid/bin/dnsserver
dns_children 5
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl all src
acl allowed_hosts src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
http_access deny manager all
http_access allow allowed_hosts
http_access deny all
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow all
icp_access allow allowed_hosts
icp_access deny all
miss_access allow all
cache_mgr root@trace.com.tw
cache_effective_user nobody nogroup
visible_hostname proxy.trace.com.tw
cache_announce 24
announce_to sd.cache.nlanr.net:3131
dns_testnames internic.net usc.edu cs.colorado.edu mit.edu yale.edu
logfile_rotate 10
append_domain .trace.com.tw
minimum_direct_hops 4
I want to use the cachemanager on the machine, *.3, *.10, and *.11.
How do I do that?
BTW, I have copied the entire squid.conf. Have I made others wrong too?
.... for more information use:
* http://www.trace.com.tw * gopher://gopher.trace.com.tw
* ftp://ftp.trace.com.tw * telnet://bbs.trace.com.tw
* sticky: Ronald gate.trace.com.tw (the very fast way to reach me)
* finger (ronald@trace.com.tw) for more info (address,pgp key, .....)
* for talk, P2P, InterCom (picture phone) ronald@gate.trace.com.tw
* Tel: +886 2 609-0652, Fax: +886 2 600-0132, NET: +886 2 600-2318
Ronald Wiplinger [Taipei, 24h online]
Received on Sun Feb 09 1997 - 08:02:22 MST
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