ERR_CLIENT_ABORT + quick_abort

From: Andreas Reeh <>
Date: 03 Mar 1997 23:12:00 +0200

Hi *Squiders*,

I noticed the following problem and found nothing about it in the FAQ or
searchable digest archive:

When i.e. a user is loading a big GIF file and then hits the STOP in
Netsape or goes BACK, then squid SHOULD complete loading the file in the
cache, right ?
But this does NOT work, even if I disable quick_abort.

When I renember correct, in older Squid (and Harvest) versions this did

Is anybody working on this bug?

ps: I am using Squid 1.1.6 (cannot compile 1.1.7)


Andreas Reeh = * 51545 Waldbroel * Germany * PGP welcome
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Received on Mon Mar 03 1997 - 14:45:35 MST

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