"Jeffrey Borg" writes:
>Ok I though this is interesting?
>Just reading through that 1.2 Beta stuff,
>It says to try them.
>But what happens if you are using a Proxy Autoconfig file?
>well Netscape spits out the error!
>if I put them in by hand - well squid spits out the error as a html page!
>Any thoughts on this? as It isn't much use making things easier for users.
>Giving them a autoconfig URL to stick in instead of explaining with has to
>be done. As well as the convince of specifying exactly what happens in one
>file and it changes the settings on all the www browsers.
Try adding something like this at the top of your PAC
if (url.substring(0, 4) == "urn:")
return "PROXY proxy.ml.org:3128";
Duane W.
Received on Fri Mar 27 1998 - 10:02:26 MST
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