Re: SGML Squid FAQ

From: Curt Johnson <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 15:10:20 -0500

Dave J Woolley wrote:

> > From: Curt Johnson []
> >
> > SGML tool like sgml2lyx don't like HTML. Also I can't seem to find even a
> > tarred copy of the HTML for download.
> >
> General SGML tools like nsgmls are very happy with valid HTML
> (~98% of real world HTML is invalid).
> sgml2lyx appears not to be a general tool, but a tool for
> documents conforming to the linuxdoc DTD much in the same
> way as html2ps, or even Internet Explorer are tools for
> converting files which comply with the HTML DTD.
> What you were really asking for is a linuxdoc version of the
> documentation, not an arbitrary SGML version. SGML is
> a framework which covers many formats, including linuxdoc,
> HTML, XML etc.

I was assuming the FAQ was written using either linuxdoc or docbook, since the
HTML version is similar to the HTML output of linuxdoc sgml run through
sgml2html and the request contained in the FAQ for additions to be written in
sgml. I really didn't mean to get a discussion started, I just wanted a local
copy that I could edit in lyx :). BTW, what DTD is the FAQ written in?

Curt Johnson              
Array Services, Inc.      
                 "Open Source, Open Standards"
Unix and Internet Applications development, integration and administration
Received on Fri Dec 03 1999 - 13:21:49 MST

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