[squid-users] --> Help with SQUID_LDAP_AUTH

From: Alex Carlos Braga Antão <alex@dont-contact.us>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 16:19:56 -0300


    I´m trying to configure SQUID to authenticade BASIC with
squid_ldap_auth. My Box is a FreeBSD 5.1, squid 2.5-Stable3 (snapshot on

    I can run squid_ldap_auth on the prompt, and it works, but the I put
the same string on the squid.conf the squid cannot authenticate. I think
the line is too big, or anithing else... I already tried putting " and
anything else, but it did not work...

     Here is what I´m doing:

           /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth -b
OU=MYOU,DC=domain,DC=subdomain,DC=br -D "CN=user,OU=Squid
Cache,OU=FNDE,DC=fnde,DC=gov,DC=br" -w password -h
myserver.domain.subdomain.br -f "(&(cn=%s)

  Again, it works on the prompt but not in SQUID... Any help ??????

Thanks !

Alex Carlos Braga Antão
Analista de Suporte
FNDE - Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação
Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 13:20:08 MDT

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