Re: [squid-users] best way to merge old conf file into the new one so as to update it in place

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 02:04:42 +0200

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 00.08, Adam wrote:

> How do most of you update your conf file when upgrading to a new
> version.

I usually fix up the old conf file with the changes needed for the new
version, if any.

Detailed procedure:

1. Some time before the upgrade: Clean existing old configuration to
only have the actual configuration and notes related to why it is
configured in a certain manner, not the full Squid documentation
(for this you have squid.conf.default). Also take the time to review
the configuration to make sure it is configured like intended

2. Backup of old configuration and maybe Squid version.

3. Upgrade of squid.

4. Update squid.conf to make the new Squid version happy with the
local configuration. See output of "squid -k parse" for obvious
things which need to be corrected, release notes for things you
should know about the new release and hints how to fix the
incompabilities seen by "squid -k parse" and squid.conf.default for
up to date documentation about squid.conf syntax.

5. Restart Squid to run the new version.


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Received on Tue Jun 10 2003 - 18:03:12 MDT

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