mån 2007-01-08 klockan 18:20 -0500 skrev Brad Taylor:
> How would I setup the reverse proxy to not rewrite the host name
> componet?
Depends on how you set things up. If setting up Squid as a vhost then it
by default doesn't.
> Here is my config file:
> http_port 80
> https_port 443 cert=/etc/squid/example.com-11-07.pem
> key=/etc/squid/example.com_key-11-07.pem options=NO_SSLv2
No defaultsite or vhost? Which version is this? 2.5? If so upgrade..
> httpd_accel_host
> httpd_accel_port 80
> httpd_accel_single_host on
> httpd_accel_with_proxy off
Ah, yes it's 2.5. Upgrade and it's easier to keep sanity...
For 2.5 set httpd_accel_host to the official name of the accelerated
site, and add it in /etc/hosts with the IP of the internal server. Or
alternatively enable httpd_accel_uses_host_header. But I strongly advice
upgrading to 2.6.
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