Re: [squid-users] Setting up squid for web application testing

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:15:10 +1200

Tom Evans wrote:
> Hi all
> squid-2.6.18 HTTP Caching Proxy
> FreeBSD squid01-test.jail.xx 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Fri Mar
> 7 01:52:33 UTC 2008 root_at_xx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PE1950 amd64
> I'm trying to set up a testing/development infrastructure to mimic the
> production infrastructure. I have set up a squid proxy, which has local
> definitions in /etc/hosts for the sites I wish to test - assigning them
> all to a (singular) internal IP address. On this box, I have set up an
> Apache 2.2 reverse proxy, which handles static files and binding in
> application servers using http reverse proxy, FastCGI etc. To use the
> test infrastructure, I can just change my browser's http proxy to this
> new proxy, and it all works perfectly as expected.
> This new proxy is unlike the regular http proxy, in that it isn't on the
> edge of the network, it is internal. Therefore, it has no actual way of
> contacting any site that is not part of the internal test
> infrastructure. I was hoping I could chain this new proxy server with
> our regular web proxy server, so that 'regular' websites are accessible
> as well via the new proxy. I added
> cache_peer 10.xx.xx.xx parent 3128 3130 proxy-only default
> but this didn't work either (the rest of the config is stock, but with
> 'http_access allow all').
> I also couldn't see how I could say which sites/domains are 'local' to
> this proxy server, and which should be fetched by asking the parent
> proxy.
> I'll continue to read on in the manual, and in the mailing list archive
> (3000+ results for cache_peer!) but if anyone has any pointers/tips, I'd
> be most appreciative.
> Cheers
> Tom

You need a cache_peer for each unique source (the app server and the
upstream proxy.)
Chris has already pointed you at cache_peer_access. That with a few
dstdomain ACL can route the app requests to the app peer and the rest at
the parent proxy.

Using a cache_peer for the app server drops any need for special DNS or
hosts file config. Everything happens at one place inside the squid.conf.


Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE1 or 3.0.STABLE6
Received on Wed Jun 11 2008 - 01:15:22 MDT

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