On Sun, 2009-11-01 at 21:52 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> A temporary workaround if the automatic failover doesn't work
I was able to get the failover to work by installing an ip6tables rule
on the squid box:
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 29M packets, 24G bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
101 8080 REJECT all * * ::/0 !2001:xxxx:xxxx::/64 OWNER UID match 13 reject-with icmp6-no-route
which basically just says that all packets leaving the squid server,
sent from a process with a uid of 13 (my squid user) and not going to
the local network get and ICMP no-route error, which makes squid do the
Excepting the local network is important so that responses to client
requests don't get met with the ICMP fate too.
> is to run
> two squids, one ipv6+4, and one ipv4-only. Configure the ipv4-only Squid
> as a parent to the other. This gives you a clean ipv6->ipv4 HTTP
> gateway.
Thanx for the suggestion.
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